
Editorial: The New York Times

  • The suffering of civilians in Gaza has surpassed what many Americans can bear.
  • Israeli Prime Minister and his ultranationalist allies have ignored American calls for restraint and humanitarian aid.
  • The United States commitment to Israel reflects an exceptionally close relationship, but the bond of trust has been broken.
  • The United States should reconsider sending arms to Israel until the bond of trust is restored.
  • The Israeli Prime Minister has resisted diplomatic efforts to enact a ceasefire and provide humanitarian aid in Gaza.
  • Continued intervention from the Biden administration is necessary to help protect Palestinian civilians.
  • Pausing military transfers to Israel is being advocated.
  • Military aid is the only effective pressure lever left at the administration's disposal.

Conclusion: The administration needs to pause the flow of arms to Israel and ensure that military aid is used responsibly, further backing cannot be given to an Israeli leader fixated on his own survival and the approval of his radical supporters.