Cases of blue helmets being targeted by Israeli army in Southern Lebanon.
Shooting against Sri Lankan and Indonesian soldiers despite denials from the Israeli army.
Israel's unrestrained offensive against Hezbollah.
Justification of deadly bombings in the presence of a Hezbollah member.
Israel's right to defend itself against Hezbollah attacks.
Horrifying conditions of the Lebanese displaced.
Interest in a ceasefire from Israel.
Provocative statements of the Israeli Prime Minister.
The worrying Hubris that can lead to military overreaching.
Criticism to the UN, despite its attempts to control the tragedy in Gaza.
Israel maintains impunity towards the law.
Conclusion: The editorial highlights the escalating tension and violence in the Middle East, as well as Israel's apparent impunity and provocative rhetoric. It questions the legality and morality of Israel's actions and their devastating effects on civilians.