
Editorial: Le Monde

  • The organization of the 2024 Paris Olympics is facing significant challenges in terms of transportation and security.
  • Daily visitors are encouraged to use public transport to minimize the carbon footprint.
  • There is a significant gap between the infrastructure promises made in 2015 and what has been achieved so far.
  • Construction times and costs have been higher than expected, and the delivery schedule has suffered delays.
  • Despite the challenges, some important infrastructures for the Games have been accelerated and completed.
  • There are concerns about the activity of important transport operators such as RATP and SNCF.
  • The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and decades of underinvestment have disorganized and reduced the capacity of the sector.
  • Competition in the transport sector is intensifying while employees face longer working hours and eroding purchasing power.
  • Companies are trying to overcome this social crisis by granting bonuses and increasing hiring.

Conclusion: The challenges of transportation infrastructure and labor tensions are potentially risky for the 2024 Paris Olympics. The measures taken to date to address these issues may be insufficient in the long term.