
Editorial: El País

  • The recently re-elected President of Algeria, Abdelmayid Tebún, remains in power with a mandate backed by a contested 95% of votes.
  • The high declared participation (48%) has aroused suspicions of lack of transparency.
  • Despite Tebún's initial promise to carry out democratic reforms, his government has suppressed dissent.
  • The government has contained popular discontent through the distribution of gas and oil revenues in the form of direct subsidies.
  • Algeria has lost international influence in the Sahel and Maghreb during Tebún's mandate.
  • A return to a single-party regime in Algeria is described and there is strict control over the press coverage of the elections.

Conclusion: In summary, the re-election of Tebún, despite promises of change, seems to mark the continuation of the single party regime in Algeria, with growing questions about the transparency of the elections and the state of civil liberties in the country.