The far-right in Spain, currently represented by Vox, resists recognition of the forgotten victims of the Civil War and the Franquismo dictatorship.
Through its agreements with the PP, Vox has introduced revisionist rhetoric to institutions, overturning and replacing historical memory laws in various autonomous communities.
The Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory has warned against these initiatives and has announced that if necessary, it will present an appeal to the Constitutional Court.
The 2022 Democratic Memory Law obliges the State to search for and exhume the victims of the Civil War, a duty that Vox is endeavoring to dismantle.
Vox proposes new 'concord' laws that are based on false premises and bolster a revisionist view of Spanish history.
The PP, despite presenting itself as a defender of constitutional consensus, provides Vox with political and institutional support for their extremist initiatives.
Conclusion: The resistance from Vox and the support from PP to their revisionist initiatives represent a repudiation towards recognition and commemoration of all the victims of the Civil War and Franquismo dictatorship.