The Spanish Government is attempting to maintain a fiscal agreement with Catalonia in an attempt to win parliamentary support from ERC.
The Government is attempting to deny this concert, which sparked strong reactions and threats of withdrawal of support from ERC. This shows a high instability in Spanish politics.
The pact between ERC and PSC implies Catalonia's abandonment of the common financing regime, which threatens interterritorial solidarity and equality among Spaniards.
The claim that Catalonia suffers from long-term underfunding is revealed as a lie that may result in structural changes in the constitutional system.
The Government will have to maintain a delicate balance of power and is likely to have to make more concessions to other groups to get the necessary majority in Congress.
Conclusion: The Spanish Government is going through a period of high political instability and tensions with Catalonia and ERC are exacerbating these tensions. The Government's ability to maintain equality and solidarity in the country is under question.