
Editorial: El Español

  • The Spanish Left registered a project on December 27 that has garnered increasing interest.
  • The project has been in gestation for over three years in the think tank El Jacobino.
  • Concessions to separatism have conveniently overlapped with the calendar of the next European elections.
  • European elections are more favorable for minority forces.
  • The Spanish Left seems optimistic despite potential electoral handicaps.
  • The party has faced criticism from Podemos and Sumar, who portray it as a disguised right.
  • The new party aims to attract dissatisfied voters from the Socialist Party.
  • The Spanish Left faces an organizational and economic challenge.
  • Spanish political culture may not be familiar with Del Valle's proposal of centralist politics.

Conclusion: The success of The Spanish Left will depend on its ability to generate interest among the population and overcome organizational and economic challenges.