Prominent leaders of Junts, ERC and BNG back the demonstration in favor of the liberation of ETA prisoners.
This support for ETA prisoners can be interpreted as a demand for legal impunity, using the Amnesty Law to benefit specific criminals.
142 of the 155 ETA prisoners are already in prisons in Euskadi and Navarra following the dispersion policy of the Government of Pedro Sánchez.
The separatist organization abertzale calls for the 'return home' of Basque prisoners, and EH Bildu speaks of 'repatriation of Basque political prisoners'.
Catalan and Basque separatists use similar rhetoric to justify amnesty for Catalan coup plotters and ETA prisoners.
These separatist movements, which have been advised by former ETA collaborators, reinforce the alliance among nationalist groups.
The Basque Government now holds penitentiary competences.
Conclusion: The support shown by the leaders of Junts and ERC, coupled with the use of similar rhetorics and negotiation with former ETA collaborators, reinforce a common separatist front.